Course Descriptions
EMS 202 - Paramedicine II
8.5 Credits
This class is the second in a series intended to prepare competent entry-level Paramedics in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains. This course covers care of patients experiencing a broad array of medical emergencies of various origins. These include neurologic, endocrine, infectious, abdominal, gynecologic, psychiatric, and toxicologic etiologies.
Pre-requisites: EMS 201 and EMS 251; co-requisite: EMS 252
MCC General Education: MCC-TL - Technological Literacy (MTL)
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Describe the responsibilities of a paramedic at an intermediate level within an EMS system, to include the importance of personal wellness in EMS, or of acting as a healthy role model for peers.
2. Develop a prehospital patient care plan for a patient with a neurologic, endocrinologic, immunologic, renal, abdominal, gynecologic, hematologic, psychiatric, or toxicologic emergency.
3. Implement a prehospital patient care plan for a patient with a neurologic, endocrinologic, immunologic, renal, abdominal, gynecologic, hematologic, psychiatric, or toxicologic emergency.
4. Evaluate the effectiveness of a prehospital patient care plan for a patient with a neurologic, endocrinologic, immunologic, renal, abdominal, gynecologic, hematologic, psychiatric, or toxicologic emergency.
5. Utilize medications where appropriate for a patient with a neurologic, endocrinologic, immunologic, renal, abdominal, gynecologic, hematologic, psychiatric, or toxicologic emergency.
6. Develop a patient field impression in the prehospital environment, which may include performing an effective history taking, a physical examination, or utilizing available diagnostic tests for a patient with an emergency of non-traumatic origin.
7. Identify common neurologic, endocrinologic, immunologic, renal, abdominal, gynecologic, hematologic, psychiatric, or toxicologic emergency conditions.
8. Demonstrate prehospital medical interventions using appropriate devices for patients with a neurologic, endocrinologic, immunologic, renal, abdominal, gynecologic, hematologic, psychiatric, or toxicologic emergency.
9. Select appropriate infectious disease control measures relating to health and safety.
10. Communicate effectively with patients, family, other emergency responders or medical personnel.
11. Explain the anatomy of the human body's neurologic, endocrinologic, immunologic, renal, abdominal, gynecologic, or hematologic systems.
12. Explain the functions of the human body's neurologic, endocrinologic, immunologic, renal, abdominal, gynecologic, or hematologic systems.
13. Explain the basic spectrums of psychiatric disorders.
14. Explain the emergent situations which may result from various psychiatric disorders.
15. Perform a self-assessment to form the foundation of a personal wellness plan, which may include strengths and weaknesses for reducing risks related to personal health practices, disease processes, or injury risks.
16. Demonstrate personal safety and emergency care precautions to prevent work-related injuries or violence in the workplace.
Course Offered Intersession
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Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025